Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links (daily 100.000 sites and more) by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 5 days (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

From 28 Nov until 8 Dec the organizer can be reached by whatsapp and mobile text: +36-30-230-1914
His wife, assistant: +36-30-996-8655, Arbiter text and viber: +381-63-597-232
Pairing of the GM IM group: on 6th Dec until 8 PM.

First Saturday December 2024.07.-14. U2250 Budapest

Last update 16.12.2024 08:00:02, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

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Alphabetical list

1Avyaay, Garg334131181863IND
2Bacsi, Andras7179751746HUN
3Csermely, Zoltan7417281653HUN
4IMFarago, Sandor7011902020HUN
5Guillaume, Marvin206216121952FRA
6Heran-Boily, Samuel15545651896NOR
7IMKahn, Evarth Dr.7032571980HUN
8Ladanyi, Tibor7085852054HUN
9Liu, Meng86206441991CHN
10WFMLu, Lillian32192081887AUS
11WCMMadanasri, Gundala50225411960IND
12FMMayer, Istvan7009081756HUN
13IMNagy, Ervin Dr.7007382092HUN
14Poor, Sandor7034602013HUN
15Sadbhav, Rautela450736191882IND
16IMSzalanczi, Emil7003471856HUN
17Vegvari, Ferenc7053061583HUN
18Yagiz, Bora20266511874TUR